Thursday, July 31, 2008


Insomniac is really getting into this ARG thing. Many people (including myself) received a called from 000-000-0000 today. The call is from the woman seen in the other videos. She talks about how messed up the world is, how much progress has been made, and tells you to help by going to Project Abraham. Very cool, but are they getting into this ARG thing a little too much?

Two updates for Home

Yep, another double information post. First off, SCEJ is adding more people to the Home beta. 10,000 in fact. Japan users only have to enter the lottery through the Playstation Store. Winners will be chosen through a lottery. The bigger bit of news is that current beta users have to delete everything on their ps3 concerning home (game data and client) to install a brand new version of home.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two games get smacked with a delay

This generation of gaming is shaping up to be the generation of delays. Which makes sense because developers could make a good game in two years until now, where games take much longer to polish to release quality. Well, anyway, back to the point of this post. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. and Tiberium Wars have both been delayed to Q1 2009. No word on whether this delay is to spread out games like Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 or if both games need more development time. Obviously annoying, but as I've said about twenty times, delays always make a better game. Except for Haze. We are just going to ignore that.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Firmware 2.42 Released

Originally, 2.42 was supposed to be released July 31st, but it looks like Playstation owners are getting the firmware a little bit early. As of now, it can only be downloaded from the PS3 directly. Sony has not updated their site to include the 2.42 download. Hopefully this firmware won't break PS3s like the original 2.40 patch did. Especially since this patch is supposed to fix all of the problems that 2.41 created.

LittleBigPlanet Info Explosion

Kotaku has posted a huge list of features in LBP. These range from costumes to more info on level creation. They even threw in the tip to not name your levels "Mario" or "Sonic", because those will be deleted on sight. The level design is starting to sound as deep as creating maps for Counter Strike: Source, but extremely easy to use.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Brother's In Arms: Hell's Highway Delayed

I don't even know how to start this! The game has been delayed AGAIN. Only for a month this time though, from August to September. However, to make up for this atrocity, there will be a special edition of the game. For an extra $10 you will get a action figure, a comic book, and a map. This is great! This more than makes up for the delay. Well not really, but a more polished game is always worth the delay.

Shack News

Greatest Hits On Sale Today?

According to PS3 Fanboy, greatest hits go on sale today for America. At E3 Sony announced that they would be available later this year, towards the holiday season. So I don't know if this is legit. Will poke around to see if this is legit.

Edit: Checked the Best Buy website and all of the games are $30. So I guess this is confirmed. No word on whether these are the red cases though.

PS3 Fanboy

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo Confirmed

In a video interview (linked below), the marketing manager at LucasArts confirmed a demo for TFU in August for both PSN and XBLM. The demo will take place on a modified Tie Fighter Construction Facility level, will include special powers and a special ending, making the demo special compared to the full game. All of which will not be included in the full game. Kind of stupid to put a power in the demo, that won't be in a full game, but there is most likely a reason to this madness.

LucasArts Interview

Saturday, July 26, 2008

One More Resistance 2 ARG Site

Ok, this is starting to get a little ridiculous. This is the third Resistance 2 site. Why not keep to just one? This one is largely different from the others, so I guess this one can slide. When you access this site, you are given a command prompt-esque java script. All of the commands for it are located over at PS3 Fanboy. With the command prompt, this should be the last site, seeing as new information can be accessed with new commands instead of a whole new site.

ARG Site
PS3 Fanboy

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wii Music Dated In Japan

So looks like the 6th (something like that) music game has been slated for a October 16th release in Japan. It ships with over 50 songs and 60 instruments. Remember, no peripherals because everything is done with the WiiMote. Makes you wonder how the Piano will work though. Maybe like Tom Hanks in Big?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Uncharted Trophies Coming August 22nd

According to a Playstation Nation podcast, Naughty Dog is planning on releasing Uncharted's trophies August 22nd. The game will include the coveted Platinum trophy. This will surely boost your trophy level by a whole level, if not more. Looking at how hard the trophies were in SSHD, this will not be an easy feat. The patch will of course be free to everyone. Looks like its time to pick up Nathan Drake once again.

Talk Playstation

Wipeout HD Gets Extra Features

I didn't post about this, but in case you didn't know, WOHD got delayed because it failed the epilepsy test. I've never heard of a game failing this test, but that's besides the point. While part of the development team fixes the epilepsy problems, the other part is just going to be sitting on their asses, right? Wrong. They are going to add more tracks, ships, trophies, and a few other features. Delays are bittersweet. On one hand, the game doesn't come out till a later date, but on the other a ton of great features are added to the game. Definitely some great news to a seemingly depressing bit of news.

[RUMOR]Splinter Cell Conviction Delayed

This is only a rumor because Kotaku wrote it up without a source or quote from Ubisoft. However, with rumors of delays for months now, its pretty safe to assume that Sam Fisher's next adventure won't be seen till the next fiscal year (2009-2010). Along with this, there are also rumors that Michael Ironside won't be returning as the voice of Sam Fisher. Things are not sounding too great for this IP.

Unreal Engine 4 Already In Production

Looks like the successor to the current Unreal engine is already in the works. This engine will be for the next generation of consoles first. This includes the PS4, Xbox 720, and the Wii 2 if its hardware is capable. Oddly, the PC version will come after the console versions. Expect to see this engine anytime between 2012 and 2018, which is the window for the beginning of the next generation of consoles.

Qore Ep. 3 Gets Resistance 2 Beta

DIdn't get a copy of this month's GamePro? Didn't get a code from the GamePro contest? Do not fret! If you buy the 3rd episode of Qore, you will be rewarded with a guaranteed spot in September's beta. This episode of Qore is a must buy for most people. And for $3, there is no reason it shouldn't be.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ted Price Shows Off Resistance 2 Graphics

I guarantee this video will make you go "whoa" at least once. Ted talks about how much the team updated the graphics from the first game. Including motion capture and dynamic lighting. It also seems that Insomniac has gotten the hang of the Playstation's architecture. They've done some great work. Can't wait to pick up the game later this year.

Inside Gamer

Pixeljunk Eden Demo Out Tomorrow

Looks like we finally get to try out the 3rd edition to the PixelJunk series. The demo will hit the North American store tomorrow. No info on the other two stores, but they will probably get the demo at a later date. The full game will release next week and will be the first game to release with trophies.

Penny Arcade Game Coming to PSN

Remember that Penny Arcade game that was released for XBL and PC a few months ago? Well, looks like the PSN is getting its version of the game. Lots of people emailed Hothead Games asking where the PSN version of the game. Apparently, the game was always planned for the PSN, but curiously, no announcement was made until now. Whether the game was always planned or enough people whined to get it, PS3 owners will get to play the game this fall.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII Trailer Leaked

Do I have a gem for you guys. Last year, at a private Square Enix event, a FFVXIII trailer was shown. It was never released to the public. That is, until now. This was shown over a year ago, and recorded then too. Makes you wonder why it took so long for this leak to happen. Anyway, enjoy the trailer. Hopefully, we will see a legit release of this trailer at the SE event in a couple of weeks. Or better yet, gameplay.

Most sites embedding code doesn't work here, so the link is at the bottom.

Leaked Trailer

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Resistance 2 ARG Updates

Well looks like more than just Project Abraham got updated today. If you signed up for the Project Abraham email, you received a military-esque message in your inbox today. The email tells you to ignore Project Abraham because they are not doing what they should be doing: preparing for war. The email ends with "AMERICA FIRST AMERICA ONLY". When entered into your address bar with a .com slapped at the end of it, another Resistance 2 site will pop up. The site includes even more information about the Resistance story. Again, I encourage you to read this site. This will more than likely explain questions in the 2nd game that Insomniac didn't want to explain in game.

America First America Only

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Getting a Patch

The $40 demo is finally get a sizable patch. No, it does not include the long anticipated car damage, but there are a few cool things being added. Most notable are fixes to the network and changes to racing penalties. Also, GTTV is getting a sizable update as well. The patch comes out August 1st and by the looks of it will be a pretty big download. Better find a movie to go see next Friday.

Hit the link for the full list of updates.

Gran Turismo 5 Official Site

Project Abraham Updated

The countdown on Project Abraham ended today. No open beta sadly. Lots of new videos and an updated flash section. Included is interviews with several soldiers, a soldier attacking a doctor, and a video of the blonde psychologist. Some of them give some more insight of the resistance story, so I encourage you to watch them.

Project Abraham

Tekken 6's Exclusiveness in Question

Hrm, do we have another once PS3 exclusive moving its way to multiplatform? When GamEX asked if Tekken 6 will be available on the 360, Namco's international sales representative responded, "As of the moment, we have no idea." This is pure speculation of course, but it sounds like multiplatform release may be on the table. If this does happen, expect only a NA version for the 360 just like FFXIII. There is no reason to make a game for a region where no one owns the system.

On another note, according to this interview Tekken 6 is slated for a December 2008 release. But, because we have heard nothing about it so far, a delay to 2009 is almost a sure thing.

Old Nintendo Controllers Could Be Banned

Almost every big company faces a lawsuit because they infringed on some patent made by some tiny company that no one has ever heard of. And usually, the big company wins out. However, this time its looking like Nintendo is losing this battle. A few months ago, Nintendo was sued by Anascape Ltd. because the classic controller, wavebird, and gamecube controller all infringe on their patent.

The controllers won't be banned if Nintendo pays royalties to the company, but Nintendo is going to appeal the decision in another court. Looking at the money behind the two competing companies, Nintendo will most likely win out in the end, but their might be a price jump in the classic controllers to pay for possible royalties.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Back from Eugene with my new computer. Will start the blog up again tomorrow

Friday, July 18, 2008

No posts till at least sunday

No computer until then. Getting a new one, and I should get it on sunday, but I don't know exactly. But for a tiny bit of news, any ATT mobile customer can download spore: origins for their phones. I have no idea where to download this and how it works on anything but the iPhone (as the iPhone is getting its own version of the game. I do not know if this is the same one as the one for everyone). Also, if you were thinking of switching to ATT high speed internet, you will get a free copy of spore for Mac or PC if you purchase by the end of September. Very nice little deal here. Too bad I already have ATT internet -_-.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Looks like Nintendo left some things out of their press conference

Nintendo had the worst of the three conferences. Everyone agrees with this. No one can figure out why Nintendo didn't announce anything. Miyamoto already said this week that both the Mario and Zelda teams were working on something. Also, the Zelda team for the Wii is getting help from the DS Zelda team. And now, Miyamoto announced at the developers roundtable that another Pikmin is in the works as well.

The question that should be on everyone's mind is, why didn't they announce any of these at their conference. They knew they were going to talk about it at E3, but they chose to leave it out of the biggest part of E3. If they had announced these three games, they would have stolen the show, and boosted their sales even more. I guess Nintendo has too much money?

Wii Fanboy

Developer walkthrough of Home

Yes, that virtual social networking "thing" called Home is still coming. Today, we get to see a developer walkthrough of Home. We see a much updated North American plaza. We found out this week that each region will have their own plaza. Also, we get our first look at the Uncharted, Warhawk, and one other game room (forgot which game. I know, I'm a bad reporter). Remember, if the game rooms seem small, there is still more we haven't seen with them.


Fable 2 Main Quest 12 Hours Long

The guys over at Joystiq were talking to the guys at Lionhead and found that the main quest of Fable 2 is only 12 hours long. Kind of surprising for an RPG, but of course there are always tons of side quests to occupy you in an RPG. We'll see whether this hurts the game or not later this year.


Pixel Junk Eden gets release date

PJE will hit store (binary shelves?) July 31st. This will be the first game ever to ship with trophies. Ooo. Ahh. Its the 3rd game in the PJ series of 6. You can play it on your PSP through remote play. Unknown as whether you can still unlock the trophies through remote play.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sony Video Service is Now Up

The video service for the PS3 is now up. To access it, go to the store like always, but now you can change tabs at the top from game to video. Great selection of titles up right now. I'm sure this will expand in the future.

Full Physics Destruction in Red Faction

Very impressive interview/gameplay video of how destruction works in Red Faction: Guerrilla. The stress system looks great, however everything doesn't come apart as realistically as they say, but its still impressive nonetheless.


Killzone 2 Multiplayer Detailed

Great trailer for the multiplayer. Also, the link below details the badge system in multiplayer, which sounds a lot like Team Fortress 2.


Tom Clancy: End War Demo

This game looks like the best of the Tom Clancy name. Its an RTS that utilizes voice command. One of the biggest problems of bringing an RTS to consoles is the amount of controls and commands. Well this voice command fixes that. Its hard to explain, so you guys need to watch the trailer for yourselves. Unfortunately, there is no specific video for the demo, so you have to watch IGN LiveWire for it. Slide to about 5:03pm to find the beginning of the demo.


I Am Alive trailer

This is the new Jade Raymond production I talked about a few days ago. Looks pretty good. Actually really good. We don't know much other than there is an earthquake (or what seems to be an earthquake, you never know with these things) and you are a guy trying to stay alive after the disaster.

Game Trailers

What we learned from Sony's conference

Here is a list of the things from the conference
-Resistance 2 gameplay of the Leviathan
-Greatest hits
-Video store
-Resistance for the PSP
-80GB for $400
-256 multiplayer game
-God of War III

That's about it. Wow. Nothing from Nintendo, nothing from Sony, and only thing that Microsoft had was FFXIII. This is the last E3.

Sony LiveBlog

Time to test this thing out.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Partnership between id and EA

id and EA are now partners. I'll assume this means that EA is now publishing id titles. New trailer on RAGE (waiting for GT to upload it). No news on Doom 4. And nothing from Bungie. Guess they are waiting till later tonight.

Edit: Rage

New Mirror's Edge Trailer Reeks of Awesome

So before we saw Faith running the roof tops of an unnamed city. Now we get to see her in a few different environments. Also, we get to see the disarming shine. Bullet time is part of the game as well. Its looking great. Let's hope it plays as well as it looks.

Game Trailers

Holy Crap Info Dump on Warhawk

PS Blog released a ton of new info warhawk that is...wait for it...COMPLETELY FREE. Yes, free and its all awesome. There is way too much stuff to post on here (ya, its that long). Check it out.

PS Blog


I've found a better idea of how to do this E3 stuff. I am going to do a live blog for the remaining 2 conferences. Much easier. Thought you should know.

Trailers Pt. 1

Here is the first set of trailers from E3. The one that stands out is Hydrophobia. The water is the best in any game I've seen. It should be interesting to see what happens with this new engine.

*Note, none of these are from the Microsoft conference this morning, except for FFXIII

Rise of the Argonauts
Wizard 101
Mega Man 9
Killzone 2

Full Details on Dashboard Update

Joystiq has posted the 3 major things that will be included in the new update.

* Play from hard drive. You'll be able to copy game discs to your Xbox 360 hard drive. Installing the games will prevent wear 'n tear on the disc drive, and will shorten load times. You will still need the disc in the disc tray to prove you own the game. Hopefully, installing things on the Xbox 360 will come with sage advice, a la Metal Gear Solid 4.
* Access Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web. If you're not near your Xbox 360, you can still use this "Internet" thing to browse and purchase things from the Marketplace. Once you purchase something from, it will download automatically to your console while you're away.
* Xbox LIVE Primetime. This is a "whole new category of games" that not only supports Achievements and leaderboards, but will also offer real prizes. Games are played throughout the Xbox LIVE network and each game is "broadcast simultaneously" so that everyone is partaking in the same activity. These events can feature live hosts, "calling the shots as they happen."

I don't know what is with game installs. Microsoft has to release new HDDs in order to compensate for all these installs. The Marketplace thing is probably the best thing in this update besides the changing of the gaudy blade dashboard that is currently out.


Big Square Enix Announcement

FFXIII is coming to the 360. Versus is still exclusive and the version will not be released in Japan. However, the PS3 and 360 launch will occur at the same time. No word on what changes will be made in order to accommodate the smaller storage space.

Square Enix Presentation

(This guy should of had a translator)
Infinite Undiscovery - September 2, 2008
Star Ocean 4 - Spring 2009
The Last Remnant - November 20, 2008 "released on 360 first, this holiday season" unconfirmed timed exclusive. coming to PC as well.

Lips finally announced

Works with your iPod and Zune player. Mics are motion controller (don't see what it does, because G4 sucks. sorry guys).

Duffy comes out, and doesn't sing her own song like it does in the game. A little funny.

Your In The Movies

Very wii game. You act like you are in a movie with these little games. After the game is completeled. The games are then edited into movies. Very funny cute short movies.

Director modes allows you to edit the movies yourself.

Also, announcement of a new peripheral. Just a standard camera for the game.

Info on new games

-Banjo Kazooie. you can create vehicles. imagine LBP, but just vehicles.
-Viva Pinata. trailer
-Banjo Kazooie classic will be released on XBLA this year.
-Another scene it game

Netflix on 360

Watch instant watch movies on your xbox. You can share videos with you Live Party.

New XBLA arcade games

-Geometry Wars 2 (missed the release date)
-Galaga Legions (next month)
-Portal: Still Alive (brand new levels and achievements. seems like a stand alone exclusive)
-South Park Game

Xbox Live Primetime

You and your friends can be part of all of the big game shows on TV. Very interesting way of bringing casual gamers to the 360. You can win real prizes in these game shows. However, these have not been announced.

Dashboard getting revamped

It is essentially the XMB with screenshots of the menus instead of the icons. It is also vertical instead of horizontal. Also, the rumored avatars are confirmed. Miis for the 360. Must more advanced and changeable than the Wii. You can view your friends based solely on their avatars.

With the avatars, you can "Create Share and Have Fun"...hrm, sounds like a tagline from an upcoming Sony game.

NBC Universal Join XBL On-Demand

Everything from both of this company will be available on XBL today. This explains why NBC Universal recently dropped from iTunes. Two international studios joined up for Europe as well.

Gears 2 Demo

Cliff walks out with extremely bleached teeth. We get to see how co-op works in this demo. And...G4 craps out and resets back about 15 seconds. We see a brand new level that called "Locust Stinkhole". When you walk out to the hole, it is basically a pit with a bunch of buildings crushed in it. The new shield can be used as permanent cover so you can still set up cover and use your gun. And you get a very nice minigun to shoot up a Brumak and soldiers at the bottom of the pit. Very cool looking elevator sequence where you ride it up sideways. Ends with Marcus saying he is going to ride the Brumak.

New mode called Horde, which is survival in a 5 man co-op mode.

Releases November 7, 2008

That is the end of the demos

Fable II Demo

The game is complete. Opens with a stunning cutscene which is done in real time. You start out as a either a boy or a girl. And story follows you as your journey into an adult.

Next up is the system seller (I might even have to get a 360 now). When you go into the world, you will see purple orbs everywhere. Those are your friends playing the singpleplayer game. You can interact with the orbs by asking your friend to join your world. If they say yes, they will be instantly teleported to your world. Absolutely amazing. Can't imagine how difficult that must have been

Out October 2008

Resident Evil 5 Demo at Microsoft Conference

There is going to be online co-op for Resident Evil 5. You play as Chris who is a member of the ESAA.

The back up partner is the woman that I put in another post, who is also part of the ESAA. The partnering up is similar to Army of Two. Teamwork is extremely important to co-op.

Just before a cutscene we see a very powerful enemy with a chainsaw.

Resident Evil 5 will be released worldwide March 13, 2009.

Fallout 3 Demo At Microsoft Conference

Started out with another teaser. Then we saw some gameplay. Looks absolutely gorgeous and a ton of fun. Best part is how the non-realtime shooting works. The game stops and you can choose where you want to aim. And you will get a cinematic look at the kill.

The game takes place in 2277. The US government is now known as the enclave and for some reason they want to kill you.

There is a multitude of guns including a mini nuke launcher. DLC will be exclusive to 360 and games for windows again.

Konami Dates Gene Expansion

Looks like we finally got a date for the first expansion pack for MGO. You will be able to play as the digestive issued Akiba and his hot wife Meryl this Thursday. This is only for Europe, but the date is most likely the same for the US. The price is 10 euros, and probably $10 for the US. The expansion also includes 3 new maps, a new game mode, and a reward system tied to the new mode. I'm trying to find the official statement, but my source didn't give their source sadly.

Strategy Informer

PS Store Daily Update

Because of E3, we get a special treat during E3. The store will be updated everyday with games and trailers that were announced that day. Also included in this is that mischievous 2nd expansion for SSHD. When 2.40 was taken down, this was as well. Pissing off everyone who never had the chance to download the expansion. Well, this week everyone can get their hands on that last trophy they've been trying to get. There is also another puzzle game that involves elephants called elefunk. No idea how it works, but hey, its a game.

And if you want to keep up with the PS blog and all of the updates, they have a twitter page.

PS Blog

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fallout 3 Site Up

The site for Fallout 3 is now operational. Nothing much on it right now. Only a teaser trailer followed by a place to enter your email. This will probably change when Bethesda reveals the game at E3 and hopefully shows us some gameplay. Probably a good site to keep your eyes on. But if your lazy, you know I'll post everything that comes from there here.

Fallout 3

Playstation Site Now Integrates PSN IDs

Finally, something to report! The Playstation site now gives all members the opportunity to link their PSU accounts to their PSN id. Deemed the Portable ID, you can check all the things, that you could only do on the PS3 before, remotely. You are also given a nifty little sig that can be used to identify yourself on forums where your name doesn't match your PSN id. Very cool little addition to the site. I might actually visit it now.

I am going to confirm how much you can do with it (trophies and such), but changing your avatar is still PS3 only.

Edit: If you link your accounts, and the site doesn't recognize it properly, just sign out and back in. Should work fine.

Edit 2: Ok, this thing is basically useless. Your PSN id is attached to your PSU account on the forums. So people can see who you are by looking at your information to the left (where your post count is). This is sort of nice, but pointless for people who don't use the PSU forums. The sig is also too big for many forums. The only thing you can actually do remotely is look at your friends list. No trophies, no messaging, no status updates, nothing. I hope this is just bare bones just like everything else Sony releases that they will fix later. Because as of right now, this service is useless.


360 Price Drop Finally Confirmed

Microsoft's ship is leakier than swiss cheese. The long rumored price cut has finally been confirmed. The arcade version will remain at $280, 20gb at $300, 60gb at $350, and the elite at $450. Price cuts always boost sales, but it is unknown how many more consoles this will sell. I'm surprised Microsoft couldn't wait another 24hrs, but maybe they wanted to make room for another big announcement at E3 *wink*.

This puts some pressure on Sony to drop their price, but as Sony's CFO has reiterated many times, this will not happen. Sony is trying to make money back on its investment. And the way to do this is lower manufacturing and keeping the same prices. But we will see what he has to say about this when Microsoft's sales numbers come in.

Official Statement

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bioshock Box Art hints at Home release date

The box art for was released today and on it was something that surprised many people. A Home logo. Yes, this means that the PS3 version of Bioshock will have Home integration. This is obviously one of the extra features exclusive to the PS3 version.

But what more people are more up in arms about is that Bioshock releases in October, which is a full month before the expected release date for Home's open beta. Does this mean that Home is going to be released a month ahead of schedule? Unlikely. Its probably just a feature that was added into the game, even though Home is set to release later. But you never know. We'll find out on Tuesday what Home's release date truly is.

Only The Games

[RUMOR]Secret E3/TGS Game?

Last year, Sony Japan Studios and Namco Bandai started a new studio called Cellius. It must be a huge studio because three titles were revealed to be in development in a magazine that year. Everything went completely silent though and we have no idea what is going on with this studio. However, it has been a year since these games were announced. Meaning they could have a showing at E3. However, its more likely they will be showed at TGS because they are a Japanese developer.

Shots taken from the magazine are in the link below. These three games look absolutely stunning. (Obviously PS3 exclusives because they are 1st party).


Gears of War 2 Info from GTTV

Last night (this morning?) GTTV revealed some of the story for the upcoming Gears game. Since I didn't play the first Gears game, I'll see how well I can do this.

The game starts 6 months after the ending of the first one. At the beginning of the game, we find out that the light-mass bomb from the first game did not work and humanity is still threatened. That's about all we get other than the same stuff that every developer says about their games: "You can expect a lot of twists and turns." Come on people! Come up with some new lines!

Other things revealed in this episode include: bots in multiplayer, a new map, a finishing move that involved you tearing off an enemy's arm and beating him with it has been removed, photo mode (screenshots), and drivable vehicles.


Friday, July 11, 2008

fl0wer Interview

Looks like someone was naughty on the East Coast and recorded GTTV on their PC. But who said being naughty was a bad thing? Now we have an interview with the creators of fl0wer. We still have no idea what the point is of the game, except that it looks like a 3-D version of fl0w with flower pedals and only one level. My guess is that you fly around and collect more flower pedals to join your vicious flower pedal army of doom, kidding...Anyway, this will be a PSN title at some point. No word on when. Hopefully it will get a better response than fl0w.


E3 Trailers Galore!

Ok, I'm doing a group post for these ones because there are 5 trailers. Yes 5. 3 console multiplatforms and 2 PC exclusives.

Fallout 3
Rock Band 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dead Space
Dawn of War II

PS3 Greatest Hits for NA

Japan already has them. Europe will get them soon. But us folks in the US have beens screwed out of information on our cheap PS3 and PSP titles. That is until now. The sweet screenie from above is from a K-Mart catalog. Which means the US is going to get them soon! No word on when, but with this picture, Greatest Hits at E3 is all but confirmed.

If your blind, the 3 PS3 titles are Motorstorm, Warhawk, and Resistance: Fall of Man. The PSP titles are Killzone: Liberation, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike, and Daxter.

Bigger Image

Sonic Unleashed E3 Trailer

Hrm, well I decided against not posting E3 trailers until the end of the day, because I really enjoy better the bigger blogs to the punch. Anyway, the Sonic trailer is pretty cool. I'm curious at how they are going to work Sonic's werewolf half into the gameplay and story. Link as usual, but when I get some nicer digs, all videos will be embedded.


My E3 Coverage

Ok, this is how I am going to handle E3. Everyday from now till E3 I am going to post all of the E3 trailers in one post. During E3, it will be every hour. I'll give a summary of each conference after they happen. Since most of it is trailers anyway, this should cover the event while its happening. At the end of each day, I'll see if I can summarize everything into one long post.

Project Origin E3 Trailer

The graphics are not the best out there. Overall this is a standard shooter, but the fear factor in the game is the best part. So, if your a fan of getting the shit scared out of you, while shooting up some mutated humans, you should check this game out.

Far Cry 2 Demo and Clips

We got ourselves some new info on Far Cry 2. In this article and video we find out what the difference is between day and night. Day time is the usual run around and blow stuff up gameplay. However, night time offers you more of a sneaking perspective to the game. Gamestop takes us through the demo in the article below. Definitely worth the read.

Video is in the article. For some reason their embeds don't work either -_-.


More Killzone Footage

And this time its all gameplay. You'll see a lot of objective stuff at the beginning, but after that its all carnage. The protagonist's throwing arm is a bit better than the protagonist of another big sony title. And by a bit, I mean a lot. Game is looking great so far. Let's see if we can't find out some of the story next week, eh?

(Sorry again for not embeding, game videos needs to fix that)


Tom Clancy's End War E3 Trailer

New trailer for End War. Doesn't look great graphics wise. We'll see what happens with it.


9 Minute Killzone 2 Preview

More footage for Killzone 2. Game looks stunning. I'm expecting good things from E3. I would embed the video, but the embed link is busted =(. Link below.


Soul Calibur 4 Boss Info

Looks like Soul Calibur no longer has Inferno as a boss. We get this new bird motif looking guy. He goes by the name of Algol. His hands glow red and blue because his right and left hands have Soul Edge and Soul Calibur in them, respectively. He has 10 different weapons built into his body. He is described as the hardest boss in a Soul Calibur game yet. Should be interesting. And just like Inferno, I doubt he is playable. What a shame. Anyway more images in the link. Kotaku has an interview with the character designer, so I'll include that as well.



MGO Gene Expansion Pack

The version of MGO in MGS4 was said to be the starter pack for the game and we would be able to download expansions for the game. Well about a month after the release of MGS4 we get our first look at the new Gene Expansion for MGO.

The expansion includes 3 maps, 2 new playable characters from MGS4, female characters, survival mode, and a reward system attatched to the new mode. The three maps are Coppertown Conflict, Tombs of Tubes, and Virtuous Vista. More double letter names! As for playable characters, you can now play as Meryl who is a pistol master. She also can revive teammates very quickly, and when people are near her, their psyche will regen quickly. The next two things are self-explanatory. The reward system only occurs in survival mode. Points earned from this mode will allow you to change your character's appearance.

This is a massive expansion. No word on price or date though. But if expansions this big keep popping up, I'm sure MGO will be around for a long time.

Konami Japan

Stormrise Debut Trailer

Stormrise is a post-apocalyptic game RTS game. There are two factions: the Sai and the Echelon. The Sai are mutated humans from what looks to be nuclear fallout. They use a more dark and brutal way to fight. The Echelon are technological advanced humans (imagine BF:2142, and you'll have a pretty good grasp of their weapon tech).

The game is made by the same guys who did the Total War series. So whether the game is a straight RTS is shady. We will find out more at E3.


Nintendo DS E3 Bingo

Well its time for Joystiq bingo again! Now this one finally points out somethings that Nintendo could show. But it could be that they just threw this list together, because most of these aren't seen anywhere else. Anyway, it might be fun next week to play bingo with these little boards. Wonder how many will really happen.

Nintendo DS Bingo

3 trailers revealed Monday night on Spike

On Monday night, between 9 and 11pm, Geoff is going to show of an epic trailer for Resistance 2. After that, we will see the debut gameplay trailer for the new Prince of Persia game. And finally, we will get to see what is so special about the PS3 version of BioShock, along with the first real gameplay from this version of the game.

Should be a great night of trailers. This is all happening during "A History of Violence" starring Viggo Mortensen. If you haven't seen it, its even more reason to tune to Spike for these two hours. (Not like you weren't going to already, right?)

Geoff's Blog

Mercs 2 - Go Anywhere, Do Anything

New interview with the director of Mercs 2 telling us a culmination of everything we know about the game so far. Co-op sounds a little bit slapped on, but with the Resistance 2 co-op, we can't help but get spoiled. Sounds like a great game with a lot of destruction. Comes out the last day of August.


Zubo E3 Trailer

Zubo is an upcoming game for the DS. Not a huge piece of news, but its a cute little game. The gameplay looks like you are dropped into an Alice in Wonderland situation and you have to collect these guys to fight for you. This sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Looks like a decent game for a DS. We'll see more info on it at E3.


More on The Last Guy

Well that teaser site that opened a few days ago with 7.11.08 blazed across it now has a video on it. I'm just going to say that the video is extremely weird and pointless. After watching it, I give it the "what the fuck did I just watch" status. The most useful piece of information we got from it is that another update will happen next Friday. Hopefully, we will actually learn something about the game.

I only encourage you to watch it so you know what I'm talking about.

(sorry for the opinion laden post, but seriously, watch the video and you'll understand)

The Last Guy

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shazam App for the iPhone

This blog is going to be mostly gaming related. However, whenever I find something that I think you must know about, I'll post it. Today's extra ordinary post is about an amazing app on the brand new app store for the iPhone.

The app goes by the name Shazam. When installed on your phone, you will be able to use it to tag songs on your phone. Let me explain this a bit. Imagine your in your car, listening to the radio and there is a song on that you really like. But you can't remember the name. You pull out your iPhone, start up this app, click start Tag Now, and about 15 seconds later you will know everything there is to know about the song. The app uses the microphone of the phone, records about 10 seconds of a song, sends it off, and returns with the details.

Stunning app. Very well done. I've found no problems with it. Want to know the best part? It is completely FREE. That's right. You do not have to pay a cent to use this app. I don't know how the creators managed to do this, but kudos to them.

New Rock Band 2 Instruments

The newest issue of Game Informer reveals the two new instruments for Rock Band 2. The first is a new set of drums. The drums are softer, have slots for cymbals (sold separately), and a metal reinforced pedal. The guitar also received an overhaul. The frets are now quieter, the strum bar is less "squishy", and a more colorful look.

However, the coolest part are the limited edition instruments. The drums are made by a company called Ion and include the 4 drum pads, 3 cymbals, and one kick ass look. The guitar will be given the size and weight of a real guitar. Sadly, unlike the other 3 instruments, no pictures of this one.

Almost makes you want to shell out the $200 again...almost.

Game Informer Pictures

Too Human demo out next week

Lovers of swingy sword gameplay rejoice! The upcoming Action/RPG for the 360 will be getting a demo next week. Finally some first hand experience for the game that people have been dying to play...for 10 years.

Half Life 2: Episode 3 artwork

Ooo, ahh. That's what you should be saying when you see this artwork from the third episode of the series. Not much information other than the game will not be making an appearance at E3. I'm curious with how Valve plans on releasing the game to console(s). Before Orange Box, episode 1 was released for (if I remember correctly) $20 on the PC. However, with orange box, valve had the chance of putting the game on consoles. I don't know how well a short game like episode 3 would fly on a disc. Maybe a download from theXBLM and the PS Store? We will see.


[RUMOR]Infinity Ward working on sci-fi shooter

According to Xbox World 360, IW's new IP that I talked about a few days ago is a sci-fi shooter. No word on what is going to happen with this. I thought IW liked modern shooters. Meh. So be it. As long as it doesn't follow the same path as Dice did with the Battlefield series, all should be well.


My predictions for E3 Pt. 4

Well, you know how I said I was going to do a 3 part predictions? Well, I lied. I forgot about 3rd party developers. *in the Mario voice* Here we go!

-Assassin's Creed 2 teaser 65%
-New IP from Ubisoft 95%
-New Bungie game 100%
-Info on BioWare's new game 100%
-Something from Ubisoft's long list of 12 PSP games 95%
-Something from Ninja Theory 35%
-CoD:WaW info 100%
-Square Enix announces multi-platform for upcoming RPGs 75%
-Rock Band 2 GH:WT info dump 100%

Well, most of these aren't rumors and are confirmed. But its still nice to see what's coming up. Also, this list should be a lot longer than this, but I chose the ones that seem to be getting the most buzz.

I put AC2 on there because Ubisoft wants to build a lot of hype for this game (yes more than AC1). This game is going to be released in 2009. No word on when, but it will happen then. They have two opportunities to announce this game. E3 and UbiDays. With UbiDays being so far into the year, they won't get as much hype as they want. Also, teasers are the best way to start hype (remember the GoWIII teaser in the game case for GoD:CoO).

Anyway, this is the end of my predictions. Have fun with them. I'm sure you have plenty of your own. Comment extra predictions if you want.

My predictions for E3 Pt. 3

Last one up is Nintendo. But what do they really have to show anyway? They are beating out the PS3 and the 360 by leaps and bounds in both software and hardware sales. Hence why this list is so small. No one knows what they are going to show, because they don't have anything they need to show.

-New DS with accelerometer 30%
-New Zelda game 15%
-New Animal Crossing game 99%
-Some new peripheral 90%
-A game for hardcore audiences 75%

Man, its good to be king (this is debatable, but that's for another time). Oh wait...I forgot 3rd party developers. Time for Pt. 4!

My predictions for E3 Pt. 2

Psh! Waiting a few hours or days for another set of predictions? I do mine right away. Anyway, Sony has the biggest list of rumored announcements by far. They need it though to really take charge in this battle with the 360.

-PSP2 30%
-Heavy Rain 80%
-New Jak game 45%
-Twisted Metal teaser 35%
-1st and 3rd party PSP games 80%
-More previous gen titles for the store (either ps1 ps2 or both) 55%
-God of War III teaser 85%
-God of War III gameplay 15%
-Greatest Hits for the PS3 50%
-Home info dump 100%
-PSP Trophies 20%
-More info on the video service 100%
-Uncharted 2 25%
-Ted Price actually reveals something about R2 -_- 100%
-Something new about LBP that makes everyone's jaw drop 80%
-Something that makes everyone's jaw drop 90%

Nothing but rumors floating around will make a list this big. Anything below 50% is something I'm hoping for, but have no reason to think that it will show.

My predictions for E3 Pt. 1

So, with all these predictions going around I figured I should make my own list. I am going to post it three parts, one part for each company. First up: Microsoft.

-Price drop 99%
-Motion Controller 45%
-Information on Halo 75%
-Lips (SingStar for the 360) 80%
-Mystery IP 100%
-Updated Dashboard 85%
-New Rare game 60%
-New Bungie game 100% (already confirmed)

Some decent stuff here for microsoft, and a pretty good chance that most of them will happen. Next up Sony!

[RUMOR]I Am Alive

Everyone who watched anything on Assassin's Creed knows who Jade Raymond is. But if you don't she was the extremely attractive executive producer for Assassin's Creed. Most people expected her to be working on the upcoming Assassin's Creed 2, however this may not be the case. She might be working with a new IP by the name of I Am Alive. The game occurs in a post-earthquake Chicago. That's about all that is known about the game. But again, this is a RUMOR. If this is fact, we will find out next week at E3. With more Jade Raymond videos showing off how awesome the game is. I wonder how many people bought Assassin's Creed just because Jade told them to...

God I hate venti!

UGH! She ruined the entire Wall-E movie for me! I cannot believe she did that! And SS isn't even banning her!!! This is ridiculous. She is really starting to bug me...

For those who actually read my blog outside of PTP. don't worry. you won't get this. just ignore this post

Bioshock trophies have been confirmed

Bioshock a long awaited 360 timed exclusive is on its way to the PS3 later this year. Along with "optimizations" and other bonuses found exclusively on the PS3 version of the game, PS3 owners now get trophies! I would not expect them to be any different than the 360's achievements (unless the bonus content includes some trophies as well), but this will be one first few 3rd party games that will include trophies. This could change seeing as developers like Namco Bandai have made no comment on whether their upcoming games will include trophies.

On the 2K blog, the a lead programmer from Digital Extremes (the guys porting the game) says that the game is already in final testing phases! But the game is still slated for an October release. What is this! You guys want to bump the date up a month, huh? Huh? Come on...
2K blog

It's time for 360 bingo!

Yesterday, PS3 Fanboy created a bingo board for expected Sony announcements. Today is Microsoft's turn. Some of the possible announcements include: a price cut, a new SKU, various halo things, Metal Gear Online (what you talking about), and a dashboard revamp.
Xbox360 Fanboy

First Max Payne trailer

Remember that really messed up video game that first introduced bullet time to video games? Well that's getting made into a movie. Marky Mark takes the role of the distraught New York cop. The movie could be good, but video game movies usually bomb more than shine. The movie comes out October 17, 2008.

Cliffy B apologizes

A couple weeks ago, Cliff Bleszinski either on purpose or accident insulted Kojima's newest release MGS4. Well, it seems that he realized that he made quiet an upset in the gaming community. So, today he came out with something that seems to be an apology, but without it actually being an apology (if that makes sense).

"I'm a huge fan of Kojima... The kind of scenes they do in MGS4 are phenomenal. I think it has the best sound and real-time [cut scenes] I've seen in the industry and since they're the best at what they do, players love it... It's the hallmark of the series - the camera angles and dramatic scenes and it's really taking film-making to this new digital level..."

Seems a little forced, but I'll take it. Still, I think the damage to PS3 fanboys everywhere has been done.


New Mirror's Edge video

Looks like even more information is getting dropped to psyche people up for E3. Today's new bit of info is a new trailer from the parkour game Mirror's Edge. Sadly, its not a gameplay video, but it does tell us a few things about the story. Now we know that Faith isn't just some crazy girl that runs on the rooftops. Can't find the embedded video, so I'll put the link for Kotaku below. There are also a few screenshots from the game there as well.

Edit: Looks like GameTrailers has an interview about Mirror's Edge as well



3G iPhone and App Store

With the new iPhone 24 hours away (literally), we will also see iPhone games coming out of the flood gates. A few of the games include Super MonkeyBall, Crash Bandicoot Racing, and Spore. But the one that is the most amazing is a game called Kroll. In case you didn't did Apple's WWDC, this is an action adventure game where you use the accelerometer to more and touch to attack. This game seems extremely interesting and stands out among the other games.

Also, if you really want to check out the new 2.0 firmware right now, Gizmodo has got you covered. They have the firmware, which you can manually upload to your iPhone and take a look at the App Store.

Finally, accelerometers are what Nintendo wanted to put in the DS. So be prepared for Nintendo to fight back against someone for once (because Sony and Microsoft sure ain't giving them any competition).


Burnout Cagney update is out

The very alluring alluring update has dropped for all countries. The update includes online challenges, better SD rendering, and new cars. Also, this is the first game (besides Super Stardust HD) to use in-game music which was added in the 2.40/2.41 firmware update. Although word is that this is very confusing to use.

For those who haven't picked this game up yet, the game got a universal permanent price drop to $40. Soon the game will also include trophies, cars, and rumors are planes as well. With these things in mind, the game deserves at least a rental for those who are new to the series.

Edit: I was wrong about the in-game xmb music. It seems that the game does custom soundtracks in the same way that SSHD does.

Bionic Commando: Rearmed details revealed!

Yesterday, I posted that the PSN version of the game was going to get some extra features. Today, on the PS Blog, we were given some of the features with even more to come. The first feature is the game will be DualShock 3 compatible. Nice little feature for those who own the controller. I already revealed the second feature: Remote Play. However, the developer did tell us that the controller set up gives us the illusion that we are using two analog sticks, but we have to play it to understand it. The article also answer my question of why there are not many remote play games out there. Programming for remote play is very difficult, but it seems that Capcom has gotten the hang of it. Hopefully, more developers will follow suit.

Two fun little features for the game, but there will be even more next week. The blog will be updated weekly with info about other new features for the game. No one on how long though.

PlayStation Blog

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ninja Gaiden II gets mission mode

The long since rumor has finally been confirmed as truth, that the Tecmo game will be getting Mission Mode on July 25th. I'm surprised this isn't automatically included in the game, because it seems that Mission Mode has become a staple of the franchise

Bionic Commando: Rearmed gets special treatment on the PSN

Its been out for a while now (a while to me is about 6 hours or more) that the NES classic is going to get a special face lift for the PSN version of the game. There is some special addition to the game that has yet to be announced. However, it has been announced that the game will be Remote Play capable. One more game to add to the short list of games that can be played through Remote Play.

Remote Play is a very interesting connectivity feature between the PS3 and PSP. However, with the lacking of games for it, the feature is essentially useless. I'm that this will be the start of many more games exploiting this feature of the Sony consoles.

Insomniac's Ted Price gets interviewed

Not much to say other than this guy is one of the most secretive men in the business. Everything I read or watch where this guy is asked a question about the future, he doesn't comment! Why can't the guy give us just a little peak at what's in store for us. Ugh. Oh well, interview is somewhat useful. Worth a read. Here ya go.

Game Daily

[RUMOR]Devil May Cry PSP Game

Back in 2005, we heard rumors about DMC game for the handheld. They've been in a coma until now apparently. Capcom's release list for the PSP (which has a ton of games on it) includes DMC at the top of it. If you can't read Japanese, it says in the release date and price list "to be announced".

So how about it? Want to run around and kill demons with a very large sword on the PSP?

Capcom Japan Site

New BioWare game announced by EA

Dragon Age: Origins. The name of BioWare's new RPG for the PC. GTTV will show the debut trailer for it this Friday (or is it Saturday? 1:00am for a tv show, come on). No word on whether the game will be ported to consoles, but knowing EA, I wouldn't be surprised. Wonder what the gameplay will be like. I'm imagining Mass Effect minus the guns and space travel.


According to the Square Enix list of games at E3, we will not be seeing FFXIII at E3. This is expected though. SE has their own press event in August and TGS in September. Too bad. Looks like we have to wait another month of any info on the JRPG that started all JRPGs.

Killzone 2 1UP Preview

As I've already said, this game looks better and better every time something is released about it. Today's bit of Killzone news comes from 1UP. The game talks about interesting points that we've wanted to know about the game for a while. Hit the link for the full article.


Burnout Cagney update hits tomorrow

Burnout Paradise's update is out tomorrow for the PS3 and Monday for the 360. The update includes a few new online modes, new cars, new online timed challenges, gameplay tweaks, and a few other features. Burnout will get PS3 trophies eventually, but not in this update. The update will hit at 9:00am GMT worldwide (except Japan, because they already have it -_-)

New Quantum Solace Footage

Gametrailers released an interview with the executive producer, with gameplay tacked on. Game is looking pretty good so far. There are a few texture glitches with the CQC holds, but I'm sure these will be ironed out before final release.

The game is getting released for everything under the sun.


[BUSTED]360 Motion Control in Banjo Kazooie

Xbox360 Fanboy sent Microsoft a ticket asking whether the rumor was true. Well, the rumor was completely destroyed by Microsoft.

"There is no truth to this speculation. Ken's comment is in reference to rotating the left analog stick while hitting the X-button to move different things in the game."

You don't get any more explicit than that. However, companies have been known to deny something outright and then release it a week later. We shall see.

Xbox360 Fanboy

[RUMOR]God of War III Release Date

What did I tell you? It is the week of rumors. Next rumor up is the release date of God of War III, which is said to be March 03, 2009. This highly anticipated title is expected to see some type of showing at E3 (whether it be a teaser or not). The rumor started with a list of release dates for other games. All of them are generally around the expected release date for all of them. Also, all other God of War games have been released around a similar time.

I would take this with a very large grain of salt though. If we don't see anything playable at the E3, I think it is safe to say that this release date is wrong.

List of Release Dates

New Resident Evil 5 Character

Looks like we got ourselves another bad ass character for RE5. Her name is Sheva Alomar. She reminds me of Michelle Rodriguez's character from the first Resident Evil movie. The shotgun she is holding is about half her size, so I have the feeling that she is going to do some good zombie killing. Image in the link


Captain Rainbow for the Wii

From watching this video, it seems like you are some guy that runs around and turns into Captain Rainbow every once in a while. What the hell are the Japanese coming up with.

I'm pretty sure this is Wii ware, but I'm not completely sure. Coming to Japan later this year.

Woot! Youtube videos fit

The Last Guy information "leaked"

I'm calling this a leak because the game was announced on Friday. Looks like another magazine got the jump on Sony. The game puts the player in an eagle eye view of google earth (I guess I was right about google getting into game developing) and you have to rescue the red blobs (people) from the grey blobs (zombies). Not much info, so I can't really develop an opinion about it. Guess I have to wait for Friday.

Via Kotaku

Patapon 2 Announced by Famitsu

After writing up the post about E3 expectations for Sony, I find this kind of funny. One of the predictions was that Sony would announce a few more first party PSP titles. One was Patapon 2. Looks like Famitsu beat them to the punch. Going for a December release in Japan. No word on a US release.

Via Kotaku

Fallout 3 gets banned in Australia

What is with the UK and AU always banning games. Maybe they should change their rating system, because our mature rating (which is 17+) is 15+ for them. Maybe if they upped their system, less games would get banned. But I really have to feel bad for these guys, because its one thing to lose a game like Manhunt 2. But to lose one of the best WRPGs of the year (maybe the only good one actually) really blows.

New Force Unleashed Trailer

Lucas has been nice enough to release a brand new TFU trailer before E3. Odd, but whatever, I'm not complaining. And after watching this trailer, I think this can be deemed a must buy. The video mostly focuses on plot. Watch the video first, and then read my comment below the link

Did anyone else find it funny that Vader's apprentice falls in love and turns to the good side of the force, whereas when Anakin fell in love, he turned to the dark side?

Predictions for the Press Conferences

Ok, I've been blabbering all of the internet that Sony has a ton of stuff to announce at E3. However, I don't really know what the other two have to offer. Good thing the three fanboy sites released E3 bingo! Its less mix and match and more of a way to organize everything. Links below.

PS3 Fanboy

Well I'll post the other two or three whenever the sites release them. Ironic how Sony is the first to get the predictions, but is the last to do its conference.

Feel Free to Improvise

New trailer out for Mercenaries 2. The game just gets better and better every time a new trailer is released for it. As I cannot embed GT videos right now, you'll find the video below. I'll see if I can't get this fixed somehow.

The game is set for an August 31st release date for PS2, PS3, PC, and 360. Hopefully the amount of platforms won't lower the quality of the game.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

[RUMOR]Xbox 360 Motion Controller

In IGN's recent video on the upcoming Banjo-Kazooie, there is a possible mention to the rumored 360 motion controller. It occurs around 4:00. I personally don't see it, but lots of people are up in arms about it so it must be there. Maybe I'm blind. Here's the video. Look for yourself, if there is anyone actually reading this, post a comment telling me what is going on.


The Last Guy teaser site opens

A while ago, people found Sony had trademarked the name "The Last Guy" for a PSN game. No discussion happened because no information was released on it. Well I guess we get to find out what the game is about on Friday. The teaser site marks this Friday as something, more than likely its a reveal. There are also a bunch of little red characters similar to what is seen on bathroom doors. Guess we have to wait to Friday to find out anything else.

The Last Guy Teaser Site

David Hayter gets the job as screenplay writer

According to N4G, David Hayter has been giving the job of screenplay writer for the MGS movie. Hideo Kojima is still going to write the story, Hayter is just going to add text to it. I guess bitching and moaning can work.

Very interesting PixelJunk rumor

Well I said I'd find more rumors and I found one. This one is actually worth reading as well! On the pixeljunk Japan site, there is a video that promotes the series by showing off PixelJunk racers (link below). At the end of the video however, screenshots from the first three pixeljunk games are shown, along with 1-1 (racers) 1-2 (monsters) 1-3(eden) and then three blanks screenshots with 1-4 1-5 1-6. Last February, the creators of PixelJunk announced that the fourth game would be called PixelJunk Dungeons. This leaves two unannounced PixelJunk games.

Also, Q-Games revealed at E3 that eventually the PixelJunk series would make a jump into 3-D at some point. So it seems that there will be 3 more PixelJunk games in 3-D, followed by a jump into the 3-D. This will be very interesting to watch this develop over the coming months. Maybe we'll see the unveiling of PJ Dungeons at E3.

To watch the video, click on the balloon.


Yummy new Killzone screens

The french site, pro-gamers has released a few new screens for the upcoming title. They are a bit fuzzy because of their size, but have you ever seen a gun so pretty before.


Gears gets a sneaky release date

A recent splash page has been uploaded onto the gears site. On it is a series of numbers, which when converted from Octal to ASCII spells "ESC Nov 09". Well it looks like Gears will be put into just about every 360 on November 9, 2008. Happy hunting.

Gears of War 2 Splash Page

Most Anticipated Games of E3 '08

Gametrailers has released their top 10 games that they are anticipating at E3. Would embed the video, but its too big for the site. Link at the bottom.

Completely disagree with Gears high rank on the list. Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia are both mutliplatform, both more unknown, but I rarely agree with what GT says about anything.


Rumors, rumors, and more rumors

Well as usual before any big gaming convention, the internet is ablaze with rumors. All of them we have to wait for E3 for conformation.

-Amazon has posted a tentative release date for Star Wars Battlefront III for March 2009. The funny part about it is that there is no sign of a PC version of the game, seeing as the game started on the PC, a completely lack of PC support for the third is quite odd. But with Lucas' recent layoffs, its not a huge surprise.

-A photo of Wal-Mart's inventory has also been leaked onto the internet, suggesting that the 40GB PS3 will be replaced by a new model. No word on what this model will include, but hopefully partial backwards compatibility will be part of that.

-Rumors of a PS3 gun (similar to the one from Time Crisis 4, but better) have also popped up, but this seems more like a dream than anything

-After the release of Wii Fit, announcements and rumors from Nintendo disappeared. However, the Official Nintendo Magazine has essentially confirmed Animal Crossing for the Wii will be announced next Tuesday at Nintendo's press conference. I have no idea what the point of this game is, but it seems popular. So yay fans of Animal Crossing

I'm sure there will be more rumors as the week goes on. I will post any I see.

Super Stardust HD trophy patch re-released

Some people are saying that the patch to give you trophies for SSHD has been re-released for all to enjoy. This is unconfirmed as of now, but I'll check back later.

Update: Confirmed. Go be trophy whores again :-)

iPhone unboxed

Some lucky SoB has already gotten their hands on the new 3G iPhone. Everyone else has to wait till Friday to pick up theirs. Although no one knows if the in-store activation thing is still in effect, because UK buyers can get theirs shipped to their door. Also, whether you can pick up the phone in the US for $200 is also confusing. Why couldn't they make this as easy as the first release, ugh.

Leaked info points to a 360 price drop

Gamestop leaked out some stickers saying that the new price for the 360 Pro will be $299.99. There have been so many rumors at this point, you might as well call it an official announcement. So far this is Microsoft's only answer to Sony's huge exclusive line up coming this year and next. However, with Bungie's mystery announcement yet to be had, we shall see what happens next.


Capcom opening their booth to the public

For whatever reason, E3 was restricted to press and media two years ago. Horrible decision in my mind. Hopefully though, with this move, E3 might slowly move back to the public event it was meant to be. Capcom is opening their both to the public for an hour an a half on Thursday from 12:00 to 1:30. If your in the area, you might want to check it out. Instructions below.


Infinity Ward's New IP

Infinity Ward has said that they are now working on a completely new IP. Can't expect them to do Call of Duty till the die can you? They completely control this IP, meaning that we won't have anymore Call of Duty 3 Treyarch fiascos. No word on what the IP is yet, but I'm hoping for an announcement at E3. Maybe we will see it, maybe we won't.

Bungie hints announcement at E3

Bungie, the lord and masters of Halo, recently hinted an announcement on July 14, 2008. Hrm...what day is this? Oh right, first day of E3 and the day Microsoft does their press conference. Now, if Bungie announced Halo 4, people's previous thoughts about Sony sweeping the show. However, I would be quite amazed if Bungie did this, seeing as they are trying to separate themselves from that franchise. 6 more days till the greatest week in gaming of the year.


Death Star Level in Soul Calibur 4

Well with Darth Vader and Yoda coming to the fighter, you should expect them to get their own levels. This is Darth Vader's, set in the docking bay of the death star. Very cool. No word on Yoda's yet.

A couple details about Fallout 3

Kotaku was given the chance to ask Bethesda a couple questions about Fallout 3. The first was whether certain themes such as sex, nudity, addiction, cannibalism, drugs, children, and a few others were going to be part of the upcoming title. The game includes most of these, but does not include nudity or child killing. It was believed that these did not add any value to the game. The second was how strong is the AI in the game. I was taken a back by how much work they put into the AI. The developer mostly touched on friendly AI. Talking how it follows a similar pattern to the AI in Oblivion. But also that many NPCs will travel around town, or to other towns in caravans. The creme de le creme of the AI is that if the AI believed to be over-powered, they will holstered their gun and run and hide.

Hrm...very interesting. This is looking like a great game. Releasing later this year for PC, Playstation3, and Xbox 360.


Cause of 2.40 broken PS3s

Sony announced that the reason behind the broken PS3s that came as a result of the 2.40 firmware was due to system administrative data that existed on certain PS3s. These people cannot download the 2.41 firmware, so they have to contact Sony in order to a replacement PS3.

Noticeable changes from the update

Yes, 3 posts in an hour. This is my blog, so deal with it.

The only visible update from the newest firmware is the platinum trophy on everyone's trophy card. Next time you check out someone's trophy card, you will notice that instead of a crown for the platinum trophy, you'll see something that resembles the FIFA World Cup.

Much better choice Sony. Your last one was kind of lame.


There is also a few things that you may have noticed upon installing the firmware. After deciding to install the firmware, you are now prompted with the option of automatically shutting off your PS3. Also, you no longer have to accept the ToS before installing the firmware. You will automatically start installation.

Edit 2:

Stability has also increased across the board. Most notable is there is no longer lag when you access the in-game xmb. Very annoying glitch that I am glad was fixed.

2.41 Firmware is Out!

For those who don't have broken PS3s and can access your XMB, you can now download the latest Firmware. This firmware is supposed to fix everything that 2.40 broke.

Sadly, with people unable to access the XMB, there is no way they can get this update onto their PS3s to fix it. Currently, the only known way to fix this is to format your hard drive. But this has been known to not work for everyone.

Also, for those looking to get your trophies in Super Stardust HD, you have to wait for that patch to be re-uploaded.

Sony's Official Statement on the Firmware

Monday, July 7, 2008

5 New Details on Little Big Planet

MTV Multiplayer has released new information on 5 completely new details about the game. The first is how enemies work. Enemies will be based around 5 to 6 different "minds". The way each mind behaves is based on how you design the enemy. The second is a screenshot tool for the game. You can take screenshots of not only the entire screen, but a specific object. This can somehow be used to create optical illusions, although I don't really know how. The third is crazy stuff with level's soundtracks. The creator of a map can take any song they want, cut it up, and when someone walks by a certain point, the part of the song will play. The fourth is that there is currently no water in the game, but if there is community demand, it will be added. The fifth and probably coolest is that you can create a super cool item, that can only be obtained by everyone else if they complete your level under certain requirements. Should be fun.

LBP comes out later this year, looking at a September/October release date.
MTV Multiplayer