Thursday, July 10, 2008

My predictions for E3 Pt. 4

Well, you know how I said I was going to do a 3 part predictions? Well, I lied. I forgot about 3rd party developers. *in the Mario voice* Here we go!

-Assassin's Creed 2 teaser 65%
-New IP from Ubisoft 95%
-New Bungie game 100%
-Info on BioWare's new game 100%
-Something from Ubisoft's long list of 12 PSP games 95%
-Something from Ninja Theory 35%
-CoD:WaW info 100%
-Square Enix announces multi-platform for upcoming RPGs 75%
-Rock Band 2 GH:WT info dump 100%

Well, most of these aren't rumors and are confirmed. But its still nice to see what's coming up. Also, this list should be a lot longer than this, but I chose the ones that seem to be getting the most buzz.

I put AC2 on there because Ubisoft wants to build a lot of hype for this game (yes more than AC1). This game is going to be released in 2009. No word on when, but it will happen then. They have two opportunities to announce this game. E3 and UbiDays. With UbiDays being so far into the year, they won't get as much hype as they want. Also, teasers are the best way to start hype (remember the GoWIII teaser in the game case for GoD:CoO).

Anyway, this is the end of my predictions. Have fun with them. I'm sure you have plenty of your own. Comment extra predictions if you want.

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